Struggling to obtain the repayment of debt is a common problem, sadly. Regardless of the type of debt creditors seek to collect — be it business or consumer debt — it is essential that creditors understand what is allowed, and prohibited, following debtors’ failures to pay.
During the debt collection process, California creditors must follow the restrictions contained in both the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and California’s Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Listed below are some of the key rules contained therein that creditors should be aware of prior to initiating the collection process.
Creditors are afforded the following rights while attempting to collect an unpaid debt:
Creditors are prohibited from the following actions while attempting to collect an unpaid debt:
Creditors often have questions regarding the debt collection process in California. The Wallin Firm attorneys have successful aided creditors in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County and throughout California in resolving their collection and bankruptcy matters. We are happy to assist you.